Apocalypse Now: Why We Really Love Zombies
Who's Your Stylist?
I have questions about zombies after watching World War Z last night:
What happens when everybody becomes a zombie (an apparent zombie goal) or do they not even have a goal…are they just zombies? They don't seem very organized.
What is worse: having a zombie on the plane, or snakes on the plane? If zombies are on the plane, can you ask for their peanuts since they won’t be eating them--just you?
This harkens back to the question, "What if everyone is now a zombie?" It seems when people become zombies, they have a radical weight loss and are wearing rags. So if everyone is a zombie, THEN what do they do…just stagger around…or open Zombies R’ Us? Zombie toys. “The flesh tears away in a realistic manner.” Zombie boutiques. A zombie buying a McDonald’s franchise and calling it McDead?
The zombie glass where you will drink...what else...Zombie cocktails!
Zombies are dead so they can’t die. So what happens if everyone is now a zombie and there is a lack of living flesh? Do they starve? They can’t die. They can’t reproduce and having tiny zombie babies. But. If there were zombie babies, the zombies could open milk bars and call them “First and Last Latch.”
Just what the heck are zombies so pissed off about anyway? Being undead? Get over it.
I remember reading that Brad Pitt had a difficult time with studio heads in selling the idea of this movie, and consequently, getting funded for it. A studio executive argues, “World wide domination of zombies? Think of what that would cost to cast, or the special effects?” Would Brad Pitt counter with, “Zombies are a growth industry.”
The new Thanksgiving Thursday and Black Friday
How could Brad Pitt work at the United Nations with that hair and be taken seriously? His boss, even though he was fighting a world war zombie epidemic, had on a suit and tie the entire time. What is Brad Pitt going to say? “I need time off for low lights?” (For zombies: that’s a hair highlighting technique.)
One zombie survived the plane crash and was twisting and snarling held in by his seat belt. If he can’t open the seat belt, and Brad Pitt doesn’t help him, which he didn't, does that mean he spends eternity stuck in seat 12A?
Brad Pitt figures out we need an inoculation of viruses and bacteria to camouflage us from zombie interest, but don’t we carry those things around in our bodies anyway? And…would this be a productive counter argument to those parents who are anti-innoculators. “Your child will become a zombie.”
Why don’t the zombies like Nova Scotia and Wales? What do they know that we don’t know. At one point, looking for a safe destination, it was said, "India? Forget it. It's a black hole." I thought, "Whoa. Calcutta, maybe." I heard the populace of India yelling "HEY!"
In the book “The Last Myth,” by Matthew Barrett and Mile Gilles, the authors postulate that allowing the challenges of the 21st century to be high jacked by the apocalyptic story line, we find ourselves awaiting a moment of clarity when the problems we must confront will become apparent to all—or when those challenges will magically disappear, like other failed prophecies about the end of the world.
The real challenges we must face are not future events that we imagine or dismiss through apocalyptic scenarios of collapse—they are existing trends. Collapse of the economy, the arrival of peak oil, global warming and resource wars. The evidence suggests much of what we fear in the future has already begun. We can wait forever while the world unravels before our eyes, or we can wait for an apocalypse that won’t come.
You think this is bad? Bring on the zombies!
Labels: apocalypse, brad pitt, dc blogs, dc blogs live, DCist, death, Movies, undead, world war z, Zombies
I really love the style of this post. So hilarious!
And if I could choose between zombies and snakes on a plane I would definitely go for zombies because they always seem to be a bit dizzy and they are easier to kill than a fast snake where it is really hard to guess what they are up to, and they breed way too fast.
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