Cocktails Y & Z:
Yellow Snow Cocktail &
Zero Cocktail

The last week of the year, and the last cocktails in this project: Y and Z. There were scant cocktails beginning with those letters, as you can imagine. Plenty of the Y cocktails started with the word "yellow": Yellow Bird, Yellow Parrot, Yellow Fever and Yellowjacket. Z's weren't much better. I decided to invent two of my own: the Yellow Snow Cocktail and the Zero Cocktail.
The Yellow Snow Cocktail is nothing more than a pina colada, using more shaved ice and adding a lemon liqueur, in this case Limoncello. The Zero Cocktail is this. Water. In a chilled martini glass. I took two lemon peels, snapped off the ends of toothpicks (hidden) and joined the peels to form a "zero" floating in the center of the drink.
Frank Zappa of The Mothers of Invention sang a warning about eating yellow snow, but he didn't say anything against drinking it. As for the Zero Cocktail. Drink up. Knock them back all night and still drive safely.
In the meantime, my brother found this thematic piece to amuse (perhaps disgust) you as we count out 2005. YELLOW SNOW FROM PANLOGIC