Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Mr. Sandman Bring Back My Dream

Early this morning, still in Dreamsville, I was dreaming about my next blog piece. I was shown where to go on the internet to research the additional information I would need. I was told the people I should talk to so that I could flush out the article more, and I was given the right images. The dream was so clear-cut and full of detail, I remember thinking, "When I get up, I will write this piece and that will be my blog posting for the day." So I got up. And I remembered that I had a dream about blogging. All details about the post? Gone. What was it about? I don't remember. One image? Sure. Me clicking on Google to do the homework. I'm right back where I started.
When you check dream dictionaries to see how "blogs" or "blogging" is interpreted, it's such a new concept, they don't even list it. Computers? Yes. "The computer dream is one of personal understanding and as such should be viewed in conjunction with all of the other signs in your dream. The computer can also represent discipline and coordination to the dreamer." I guess the lesson here is to always do a backup on my dreams, before my awakening.

Saturday, February 18, 2006
Decontamination @ Table Five
Or, Don't Shit Where You Eat

I was out with a friend last night, parked along the street next to a café, and I was waiting in the car while they went in to pick up something for their dinner. While I waited, I saw a woman come out with a baby who was about one-year old dangling in her arms. She went over to her car, reached in and grabbed a diaper bag. While she was doing this, her other child was inside, watching Mom from the window and making faces.
Mom then marched over to an al fresco table in front of me, propped the kid up standing in front of her, pulled the child's pants down, ripped off a disposable diaper (which was muddy), grabbed a wipe from the diaper bag and proceeded to wipe the baby's butt in the eating area. Once the new diaper was in place she then walked over to a waste can between the restaurant and the curb, and she dumped the soiled diaper into it, walked back inside and rejoined her other child. I think my jaw was slack during this entire clean-up operation.
I thought, "At the very least, with her car right there, couldn't she perform this act in the back seat of her own car?" Wiping down a shitty baby where people eat??? Can you become so stressed, so jaded about your actions with your children that you lose any consciousness of basic proprieties? When the weather warms up in the next few weeks, think about what's been going on at that table before you sit down to eat, folks.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Monday, February 13, 2006
Happy Valentine's Day
I just couldn't decided what to do for Valentine's Day. I sat down last night and thought about it, and all I could come up with was everything I didn't want to do: list Valentine movies to watch (St. Valentine's Day Massacre), list Valentine's music to listen to (My Funny Valentine), write about the history of St. Valentine, do an anti-Valentine piece. I even scanned a Valentine a teenaged boy had drawn for me, thinking back to earlier Valentine's.
I decided to do something sentimental and corny. I got out my book of craft papers, some lace doilies and scissors, and I made you some Valentine's:

I just couldn't decided what to do for Valentine's Day. I sat down last night and thought about it, and all I could come up with was everything I didn't want to do: list Valentine movies to watch (St. Valentine's Day Massacre), list Valentine's music to listen to (My Funny Valentine), write about the history of St. Valentine, do an anti-Valentine piece. I even scanned a Valentine a teenaged boy had drawn for me, thinking back to earlier Valentine's.
I decided to do something sentimental and corny. I got out my book of craft papers, some lace doilies and scissors, and I made you some Valentine's:

It isn't the size of your house as such
That matters so much at all.
It's the gentle hand and it's loving touch,
That make it great or small.
The friends who come and the hour they
Who out of your house depart,
Will judge it not by the style you show,
But rather the size of your heart.

It isn't the size of your head so much,
It isn't the wealth you found.
That will make you happy--it's how you touch
The lives that are all around.
For making money is not hard--
To live life well is an art;
How people love you, how they regard,
Is all in the size of your heart.
....or the size of your rack
Now you KNEW I wasn't going to play it straight,
all the way through... didn't you?
That matters so much at all.
It's the gentle hand and it's loving touch,
That make it great or small.
The friends who come and the hour they
Who out of your house depart,
Will judge it not by the style you show,
But rather the size of your heart.

It isn't the size of your head so much,
It isn't the wealth you found.
That will make you happy--it's how you touch
The lives that are all around.
For making money is not hard--
To live life well is an art;
How people love you, how they regard,
Is all in the size of your heart.

Now you KNEW I wasn't going to play it straight,
all the way through... didn't you?
Happy Valentine's Day, Everyone.
Neck Or Nothing*
Happy Birthday Henry Rollins
I've been thinking about necks this morning. You see, it's Henry Rollins' birthday, and he certainly stands out as one of the great bulletheads of our age. Born Henry Garfield, Henry is originally from Washington, D.C. though his current residence is Los Angeles. It's hard to label Rollins as he fills so many roles: musician, stand-up comic, poet, author, publisher (his company is called 2.13.61 after his birthday), spoken word artist and premiere scowler.
As a young man, Henry worked in the local Häagen-Dazs ice cream shop. With a regimen of weightlifting and anger, Rollins transformed himself from a 98-pound weakling into a burly muscleman with a Mack truck body. Over the years, tattoos have been added (he has a thick set of bars tattooed across the back of his neck), and he has been perceived as intimidating visually as well as he is vocally.
Henry became involved with punk music through his close friendship with Ian MacKaye, the frontman for local discord artists, Fugazi, and he performed with the band State of Alert for one record before disbanding. When the hardcord punk band Black Flag came to D.C. in 1981, Henry jumped up on stage and sang with them. History was made that night, because the group reshuffled it's lineup, and he became their new lead singer. From that point he evolved from being Henry Garfield into Henry Rollins, "Rollins" being his gruff nickname. Henry has had a successful film career, invariably playing the "heavy," and he seems on constant tour with his work as a spoken word performer.
"Show me your nuclear secrets or else!"
In one particularly oddball exhibition, Wynn and Marvin are exercising, bare-chested, in the diner's eating area. The two check out each other's flabby pecs, and the effect is oddly homoerotic, pointedly so when Kooty (the waitress) walks in and the men bolt for cover, as though she caught them in flagrante.
TeenBodybuilding.com - Big Red - Build Your Neck!
I remember The Slob (Marvin) spitting out this one line to Wynn, "I wanna have a really BIG NECK cause that's what shows when you're dressed!" Words to live by. Here are some words from Henry, "I believe that one defines oneself by reinvention. To not be like your parents. To not be like your friends. To be yourself. To cut yourself out of stone." Happy birthday Mr. Rollins.
As a young man, Henry worked in the local Häagen-Dazs ice cream shop. With a regimen of weightlifting and anger, Rollins transformed himself from a 98-pound weakling into a burly muscleman with a Mack truck body. Over the years, tattoos have been added (he has a thick set of bars tattooed across the back of his neck), and he has been perceived as intimidating visually as well as he is vocally.

Speaking of movies, when I started thinking about Rollins' distinctive neck, it reminded me of this very obscure little movie that Lee Marvin made called Shack Out On 101 (1955.) Directed by Edward Dein this noir lite flick is set in a beach dive propped up against the water and Highway 101 in California. In the greasy spoon are George, the owner, The Slob (played by Lee Marvin), Kotty (played by Howard Hughes' secret wife Terry Moore), and Kotty's nuclear research scientist boyfriend, Professor Sam. The Slob, Lee Marvin, is stealing secrets from the lab and selling them to the Commies, but the real hoot in the movie, in my opinion, is this strange bodybuilding scene going on in the shack between Lee Marvin and George (Keenan Wynn.)

In one particularly oddball exhibition, Wynn and Marvin are exercising, bare-chested, in the diner's eating area. The two check out each other's flabby pecs, and the effect is oddly homoerotic, pointedly so when Kooty (the waitress) walks in and the men bolt for cover, as though she caught them in flagrante.
TeenBodybuilding.com - Big Red - Build Your Neck!
I remember The Slob (Marvin) spitting out this one line to Wynn, "I wanna have a really BIG NECK cause that's what shows when you're dressed!" Words to live by. Here are some words from Henry, "I believe that one defines oneself by reinvention. To not be like your parents. To not be like your friends. To be yourself. To cut yourself out of stone." Happy birthday Mr. Rollins.