Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
The Good Geman, Or
"What's A Nice Girl Like You
Doing In A Sewer Like This?

What's to like about this movie:
* George Clooney's slick, witty patter.
* Seeing Robin Weigert (the actress who played a very plain, drunk Calamity Jane in HBO's Deadwood) pulling a 180 and playing a ham loving German stripper.
* Watching Stalin smoke a cigarette on old war footage from Potsdam.
* Noirish lit backdrops reminiscent of the moody clouds and ruins seen in paintings by Gainsborough, Reynolds and Constable.
* Seamed stockings.
* Cate Blanchett evoking the spirit of Marlene Dietrich
What's not to like:
* George Clooney's slick, witty patter. Ozeans Elf! :::snapping heels:::
* A heightened reminder that Tobey McGuire in black and white movies (Sin City) is very good at playing psychopathic creeps.
* Bad German accents.
* No Claude Rains.
* The distraction of comparisons to so many other films in that genre, but in particular, Casablanca, Chinatown, Judgment at Nuremberg and The Third Man. To wit:

"Don't go sticking your ear in other people's business, kitty kat."

to save your own ass? This is the end of a beautiful friendship."
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Friday, January 26, 2007
Vice President Of Blog Marketing

When did vice president come to mean "I'm not a secretary?" It seems in the past two months, I've stumbled on four vice presidents of marketing, research, development and sales. It costs the company nothing to call you the vice president of anything. Call me vice president of cluelessness to this trend.
Is Cheney the influence? Vice Presidency equals power? Cheney is running the country and the President is his hand puppet? ...and who knows where that hand has been.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Friday, January 19, 2007
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Monday, January 15, 2007
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Empty Boxes
I stopped by my local Whole Foods last night to stock up on my healthy eats for the coming week, and I happened to visit the ladies room. I realized later, by posting this, that I am showing some men something they may never have seen before:
That, Gentlemen, is a sanitary napkin-tampon vending machine and it hangs on the wall, but this is what had me really laughing:

If you click on the photograph to make it larger, you can read, "Do Not Force Knob If Empty. Call Matron or Custodian." Matron? Custodian? Those guys mopping floors don't have it rough enough already? As for Matron, I had images of British nurse supervisors or prison guards. All I could think of was "women behind bars" movies like Caged Heat, or Reform School Girls with the late Wendy O. Williams.
Did you know that in 1946 Walt Disney did an animated film for Kotex called, The Story of Menstruation?
Oh yeah...

If you click on the photograph to make it larger, you can read, "Do Not Force Knob If Empty. Call Matron or Custodian." Matron? Custodian? Those guys mopping floors don't have it rough enough already? As for Matron, I had images of British nurse supervisors or prison guards. All I could think of was "women behind bars" movies like Caged Heat, or Reform School Girls with the late Wendy O. Williams.
Did you know that in 1946 Walt Disney did an animated film for Kotex called, The Story of Menstruation?
Oh yeah...
Friday, January 12, 2007
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Cocktail Of The Week: The Rubicon
Today in 49 B.C., Gaius Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon, sparking a civil war and leaving him the master of the Roman world. The Rubicon (or Rubicone in Italian) is a small river in Northern Italy notable in Roman law as a boundary point to protect the Republic from internal military threat. As Caesar crossed the water (leading to the inevitable armed conflict,) he is reported to have said, “Alea iacta est,” or “The die is cast.” Since that time “crossing the Rubicon,” or just “rubicon” has fallen into popular idiom as meaning “passing a point of no return, ” by committing yourself to a risky course of action.

This makes me think of Emily Dickinson’s brother. Do you want to know that story? The cocktail? Ok, cocktail first then back to the Dickinson’s…
The Rubicon Cocktail consists of:
½ ounce Bourbon
½ ounce Triple Sec
1 ounce Lemon Juice
½ ounce Grenadine
Pour all ingredients over ice, shake and serve in a martini glass with appropriate garnish. I was in a bar, so I used what was at hand which was a cherry and lemon peel. My very clever (and art trained) bartender decided to form the peel into the shape of a “C” for Caesar. I ordered a Caesar salad on the side to go with it.

Gaius Julius Caesar
The Rubicon did cross
The die was cast
His salad, tossed

I started thinking about the staffs Roman soldiers carried in war, and garnishes...

...and can someone tell me why restaurants dump ice in urinals?
May fall through Caesar’s ice, and lose my way.
I will act with haste; I shall not falter.
This great city depends on my triumph."
Did you know that Caesar was the first living man to appear on a coin? What a way to leave a tip.

Austin Dickinson and Rubicon? Ok. Let’s see. Emily Dickinson and her family were well known in their community of Amherst, Massachusetts. Daddy Edward was a well-known lawyer and community leader. The children were brother Austin, sister Lavinia and Emily. Austin was a handsome boy and dutiful son. He went to Harvard, and following his graduation he wanted to go live with family members out West, but his father pressured him to study law and join him in the family law firm, which he did. He married an impoverished girl from a nice family, and Daddy D built them a house (Evergreens) next door to the Dickinson Homestead, so he always lived next door to his parents. I always felt rather sorry for Austin in that he towed the line (against his own impulses) and did what he was supposed to do by kowtowing to societal and parental pressures. He grew to be a known community leader himself, had a passion for landscaping, using Frederick Law Olmsted for many of his projects.
However. Further along in his life, Austin met a young woman named Mabel Loomis Todd. Mabel moved to Amherst after her husband, David, was hired by Amherst College as an astronomer. David shouldn’t have had his head turned to the skies, as we shall see. Mabel soon fell in with the Dickinson “set” and was part of their picnics, Sunday socials and card evenings. It was on a rainy September 11 night while escorting Mrs. Todd to one of his whist parties that Austin and Mabel admitted to each other that they were in love. That night in his diary, Austin wrote “Rubicon.”

But life, being weary of these worldly bars,
Never lacks power to dismiss itself.
If I know this, know all the world besides,
That part of tyranny I do bear
I can shake off at pleasure.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Monday, January 08, 2007
Va Va Voom Volver

Rather than write about Pedro Almodóvar’s new movie, Volver, starring Penélope Cruz, (go see the movie,) or the delights of seeing Penélope lisp her way through pure Cathstilian (go see the movie,) or the depiction of strong, self-sufficient women (go see the movie,) or the contrasts between life in a small village versus the larger urban village (:::tapping out with pencil "go see the movie":::,) what I kept thinking about while viewing this film was how much it reminded me of the Neorealism films from Italy following World War II. Neorealist directors like Rossellini, De Sica, Visconti and Fellini.